Healing Emotional Pain
Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

Are you a generally happy person?  If you are, stop reading now.  Please move on and continue making positive impacts on everyone you know and love.

If you decide to bear with me, the important thing to remember is that each of us has the full inner capacity and resources to heal ourselves.  It’s just that we haven’t realized it or denied this truth.  Because on that note my job is to facilitate your healing process.

Now. chances are slim to none that we would hear people complain about being too happy or positive.  Emotions mean the states of our minds like ocean waves constantly washing ashore and retrieving.  Many triggers, from the past, present, for the future, internal, or external, could alter the sizes of waves.  Thousands of self-help books out there could explain the subject thoroughly and attempt to offer tips.

One strategy I realized recently, instead of judging and battling with so-called negative emotions, is learning to float in the vast ocean and knowing that waves washing up the shore are only little ripples at the edge of the ocean.  All is good on the grand scale.

However, some people may decide to stay in a particular state of mind, usually one less than positive.  When stuck for a prolonged period of time, pain and suffering follow.

If you are ready to be unstuck and move toward freedom, I am at your disposal.
