In recent years acupuncture for pain relief has grown into the focal point of how this healing art is being accepted and measured by consumers and the Western medical system in the U.S. Patients who seek acupuncture for pain relief often experience quick and satisfying results especially when they have an acute flare-up or short history of the complaint. Chronic cases also respond to acupuncture well when given more patience with the treatment course.

Below is a list of FAQs about acupuncture for pain relief.

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What sorts of pain could acupuncture help?

You name it, ranging from neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Many pain complaints due to arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, and sports injuries respond well to acupuncture for pain relief treatment.

Acupuncture could also alleviate headaches and migraines due to hormonal changes and/or emotional distress.

Is there any pain medication on acupuncture needles?

No. There is no pain medication on needles.

How does acupuncture help rid of the pain?

Although no one wants to be in pain all the time, pain signals are meant to remind us that something is off. Taking pain medications could silence the alarm for a while. It is best to discover the root cause and resolve it.

In acupuncture, the golden principle about pain is when there is pain there must be a blockage.

Acupuncture targets the root issue by removing the blockage, improving blood circulation, and therefore pain level decreases.

How many sessions do I need?

Three to five sessions are recommended. Some patients already feel some relief even after the first session.

Why do I feel more pain after the session?

A small number of patients complain about increased pain levels after their acupuncture session. It is a normal detoxification progress. These people somehow experience the “dip” before they feel better.

