What is cupping?
Cupping is an ancient acupuncture technique that has been practiced worldwide for a longest time. “Pulling cup” is the literal translation from Chinese. A pressure difference is created between the inside and outside of a cup which is why the suction effect after the cup is placed. Many patients are amazed by the popping sound the very first time they “hear” the cups are removed, and how “light and relieved” their back feel.
What is cupping good for?
Cupping is good for detoxification, improving the appearance of cellulite, and promoting local and overall blood circulation for pain relief purposes.
What does cupping feel like?
Patients feel suction from the cups after which are placed on the body.
Does cupping hurt?
Not at all.
The degrees of desired cupping suction could be adjusted to one’s liking. Occasionally the patient may feel certain areas are more sensitive to cupping therapy. Inform your acupuncturist that you prefer light or stronger cupping and to loosen any cups that are too strong during the session anytime.
How long do cups stay on?
From less than a minute to a few minutes.
Where would you put those cups?
In general, cups could be placed anywhere on the body provided the suction effect remains, except orifices, the private area, and any other areas that cause unpleasant sensations if so happen.
Ideal locations for cupping are large muscle-layered areas, such as the back, buttocks, and thighs.
What are the side effects of cupping?
Cupping therapy sometimes leaves a bunch of dark red to purple circular imprints afterward. These well-known red circles are not permanent. They fade away within a week or so.
Occasionally some patients may experience soreness the day after their cupping sessions which is a normal detox response. The best antidote is to remain hydrated to help the body flush out any toxins.
What to do after a cupping session?
Patients are advised to take it easy and not to shower within a couple of hours as well as to keep up their daily hydrating routine.
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